Imaginations of a Lazy Mind

People say, “An ideal mind is a devil's workshop.” Does this mean I have been taken over by a devil? Who knows?

Sitting on a lazy day never seemed this lazy when time crawl with a speed incompetent even to a snail and mind circling over images that can't be processed with the loose wires of this brain.

Even the headache takes a fervent route to provide the best it can and eyes falling down under its own weight regardless of a sleep.

I wonder, what is the use of such a state that the nature has created? I mean what would happen if in such a time something bad occurs? You don't have the will to move a single muscle, just a state of open paralysis.

You are in an operation theatre, and your head is all dizzy. The images the eye catches blur midway and you invite the merciless headache trying to focus hard in order to improve the contrast over the blur and see through it.

The green blurry walls, with green curtains surrounding you all through. Blurry faces with projections like tentacles giving out words. And your ears can catch only the sound but not a single word as the words are inseparable while passing through your ears.

You want to lift your hand, and open your eyes but you can't. You try harder but something is blocking you. Like a heavy weight is sitting over you preventing every movement you wish to make.

But then your eyes clear out and your brain receive crystallized images, of RED. Your whole body is soaked with red blood, your own blood. And you are simply paralysed. You want to scream but can't help yourself enough even to push out some air out of your mouth.

Tiredness takes over and you calm down feeling the rush of hot blood within your chest and hands and shoulders. You are defeated and you accept your defeat. The only choice is to surrender. But surrender to whom? Soon this question also loose its meaning and you just want tdeath. You just want to die.

The time has come, for your last breath to take its route into you, the path is traced and you can feel it.

It rustles through your nostrils down to your cavity above the windpipe where is leaves a cool sensation. Now it enters your windpipe with a jerking feeling. Then the air fills your lungs up to it's full potential and a wave of current flows through your body. And suddenly the last breath of air is exhaled out, in a split second not giving ample time to register in your mind.

Then everything is a prolong muted silence.






Are you dead?

Or have just waken up?

To see a world beyond a world of imagination. Welcome to this world where air exists on your own will and you see time ahead of time.

Your devil is now gone as you wear the meaning of “abstract” over your vaporised body.

You never died. Did you?


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