An Encounter with Love

Why do the moon shine? And sun? And what about the stars? Do they also dream for someone in their life? If shining is their way to attract their soul mate then I think I am attracted. Can I get a chance to touch the sun, as its companion? I want to, for this life has nothing left to share except for grief which has welled my once Emerald eyes with unending volume of tears. Weeping no longer seems enough a trick to get rid of the guilt.

But when you fall in love with the pain it becomes nostalgia and you can not afford to leave it. It's your one and the only way to live. A life where smile seems a pretence hard earned to emit the outer world and love seems falling short within the boundaries of sorrow confining your own invisible world.

Such has become my life. People say when you are sad, again remember the good times, smile will retouch your lips. But when all good memories return guilt and tears to these eyes, sadness seems the better way to deal with it all.

What do people do for love? What did the eternal Romeo and Juliet do for it? I am no Juliet, but I remember I was a Juliet in my own little world and you, my Romeo. I was happy with all the smiles and a restless heart to fetch the slightest of your glimpse to sooth these eyes for an earnest while.

Days seemed so cheerful and night seemed so romantic. All the while time loosing its meaning on our fervent meeting under the lone Oak tree amidst the endless lush of green meadow.

Days turned to night without the slightest of hint. Me the selfish in your selfless arms. And those unsettling penetrating glares, the quivering touch and those tender kisses, redefining love every moment.

I can never thank you enough for you have fused this practical inhuman with so much of humanly emotions that even today it flows as your tears. These tears are your gifts, a gift I can't let anyone take away from me. For the love that was so pure, for the love that cured.

I remember it all clearly, crystal as it seems.

One fine day I asked you something today I regret the most. I asked you whilst your eyes pierced deep into mine as usual, “How much do you love me?”

Suddenly your concentrating furrowed eyebrow jumped up your head and you sat up. You remained silent for a second as if deciding something. Then you again fixed your sharp eyes on mine. At last your sweet honey dipped tone sang, “How much do you love me?”

I reflexed a smile, and said, “So much so that death has lost its value. I love you so much that my death is not a much loss for me anymore.” All this came out with an assured confident smile of burning love.

I could hear your voice out of clinched teeth, “Don't.” A face of stone.

“Ok ok. Now you tell me how much do you love me?”

“Me?”(pause). “Hmmm..., lets see... I love you so much so that, if time comes that you would be happy if I leave you, I will leave you.”

I had cried profusely after that and you never consoled me, as if you knew the day would definitely come and I should be prepared for it. You were slowly preparing me for a day without my knowledge of getting prepared.

Even today I wonder what did I do to deserve you, even for those short blessed moments. Why did you love me so much?

I can never forget you, for you come into me with each of my inspire. Every beat my heart registers, now signs your name. Every dream, every colour now painted with you. And me, drenched with the gleefully collected dew that you called love.

My Love.


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